The Manistee County Library
Search Information
There’s multiple different search options on our website, here’s the information on the differences between them.
Library Catalog Search
The Manistee Library Catalog search allows you to search through the books, media, and other items available directly through the Manistee Library branches. Searching through this menu will redirect you to your results on the Manistee Library catalog website.
MeLCat Search
The MeLCat search allows you to search through the books, media, and other items available throughout the state at libraries participating in MeLCat. These items will be sent to the library to be checked out by you, even though they’re located at a different location usually. Searching through this menu will redirect you to your results on the MeLCat website. Site Search
The Site search allows you to search through the website itself, whether you’re looking for specific information on resources offered through the library or events posted to the website. Searching through this menu will show your results in the search bar as you type.